Have you longed for strategic answers regarding your business that never came? Do you wish to live one of those success stories others experience? Effective marketing is crucial to your success story, and we are here to help! Q4Launch specializes in helping B&Bs, boutique hotels, and vacation rental companies achieve their goals, just like we did for PMI Maui! Learn how this vacation rental integrated our marketing strategies and experienced success faster than ever!
Who Is PMI Maui?
PMI Maui is a local real estate brokerage located on the island of Maui in Hawaii. They manage more than 54 luxurious condos that provide guests with a unique vacation experience in one of the most breathtaking places on Earth. On top of being ideal for couple getaways, their rentals are family-friendly and promote quality time between generations. Their properties feature Kamaole Sands condos and South Maui homes, and they also offer real estate services.
In a setting like theirs (pristine beaches, lush tropical forests, waterfalls, etc.), you would think that it’s easy to attract people. However, they face a fearless competition and have to stand out from the crowd to survive. So, what is it that makes PMI Maui so different?
Discover the Secrets Behind PMI Maui’s Marketing Success
Creating A New Website%27%20fill-opacity%3D%27.5%27%3E%3Cellipse%20fill%3D%22%23090909%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22rotate(69.2%20-72%20155.7)%20scale(67.48034%2048.45025)%22%2F%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23f9f9f9%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20d%3D%22M299.4%20195.1l7-213.3L-18.2%203z%22%2F%3E%3Cellipse%20fill%3D%22%231f1f1f%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22matrix(-23.3263%204.76027%20-7.89847%20-38.70409%20103.5%20181)%22%2F%3E%3Cellipse%20fill%3D%22%23939393%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22matrix(14.74214%20-6.86261%2032.10395%2068.96512%20133.8%20139.2)%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Part of the process of putting PMI Maui on the track for success was to create a brand new website. An effective website that converts is one of the most important tools your business can have. It shows the world who you are and what kind of experience you provide. You need to show potential guests how much better their vacation would be if they chose you.
In the case of PMI Maui, owners Matt and Tonya wanted a clean, modern, and easy-to-use platform; one that would highlight Maui, especially the beautiful landscape and activities. They requested a color theme centered on their logo (white and gold), as well as blue tones to match the water. The website launched April 24, 2018, and with it, a brand new customer experience!
Engaging Campaigns%27%20fill-opacity%3D%27.5%27%3E%3Cellipse%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22rotate(163.7%20115.7%20104.8)%20scale(112.56369%2042.45233)%22%2F%3E%3Cellipse%20fill%3D%22%23fff%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22rotate(81.4%208.5%20114.3)%20scale(49.53353%20195.80913)%22%2F%3E%3Cellipse%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22matrix(5.9472%2036.72008%20-66.18435%2010.71924%20252.5%20198.6)%22%2F%3E%3Cellipse%20fill%3D%22%23626262%22%20fill-opacity%3D%22.5%22%20rx%3D%221%22%20ry%3D%221%22%20transform%3D%22matrix(229.5587%20-5.20942%20.44932%2019.8%20138.3%204.2)%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Email marketing is a major component of the Q4Launch strategy. Those emails send scheduled messages to all the leads gathered by the website, without forgetting past guests! It’s a great way to remind people of what they are missing out on and motivate them to take that last leap and book.
The first email campaign for PMI Maui brought in two bookings of $5,332! The subject line was, “Have You Heard the News?!” and its main goal was to introduce the new website. As a result, it had an open rate of 158% (meaning some receivers opened it twice!) and click-through rate of 32.74%.
Social Media
Social Media is also key when it comes to online marketing. We had to improve PMI Maui’s Facebook page and add content to what used to be a blank slate. We didn’t have to wait long for it to pay off! Within a few weeks, it resulted in one booking of $1,504.62. The post was a shared video of Maui island featuring breathtaking aerial views of the ocean and mountains. From that post, the average view time on the website from Facebook users was 10 minutes, and the average page per session was 6.86 pages.
Seeing how great PMI Maui is doing shows that our marketing tools work, and all the data we collect each month keeps feeding our strategies and add strength to our techniques.
How Q4Launch Can Help
If you’re ready to move to the next level with your business, let Q4Launch help you! We’ll provide the expertise and marketing tools you need to achieve the success you’re missing. Learn more about what we can do for you by calling us at (843) 475-2962 for a free 30-minute consultation! Also, register for our upcoming webinars to learn the latest marketing trends. We can’t wait to hear from you!