Using Google Analytics to Track Goals: The Ultimate Guide

December 18, 2019

Measuring the health of your business isn’t as simple as looking at revenue streams. Think about it like a farm. Farmers don’t just look out the window to see if the crops are doing ok. They measure the pH of the soil and check for signs of infestation, all while keeping one eye on the weather. In a similar fashion, if you want to know how well your business is doing, you have to know how to measure it. The answer is Google Analytics. Using Google Analytics to track your goals is simple and easy. Whether you have no idea what goals are or just need help setting up your goals in Google Analytics, continue reading below. Feel free to reach out to our team of digital marketing professionals if you still have questions that need to be answered! 

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Using Google Analytics to Track Your Goals

When it comes to finding tools to measure the success of your business’s online presence, nothing can compare to Google Analytics. However, if you’re not familiar with the platform or you don’t know what you should be looking for, it can be tricky to get started. Here’s everything you need to take the first step! 

Which Goals Are the Most Important to Track

Before you start setting up goals in Google Analytics, it’s critical to know which goals are the most important to track. If you’re not measuring the right things, you’ll never get a clear picture of how well your business is doing. For instance, total page views and all website traffic may give you a number that looks positive, but if these visitors aren’t converting to leads, then your website won’t be doing you much good. If you never even bother looking at the right metrics, you’ll probably end up thinking you’re doing fine and keeping your website exactly it is. You have to learn the right way to build your business the right way! 

Every industry is different, but here are the most important things to track in Google Analytics in the hospitality/ tourism industry:

  • Leads (Newsletter/ Email Signups)
  • Downloads (lead-gen tools)
  • Bookings
  • Landing Page visits

How Do You Track Your Goals in Google Analytics?

Now that you know what you’re tracking, it’s time to set up your goals in Google Analytics. Google Analytics lets you track goals in four ways: URLs, Time, Pages/visits, and Events. For example, if you want to track a booking, just set the URL of the page that visitors get sent to after they’ve completed a booking. 

To set up, go to your Google Analytics reports. Next, click on the admin button that looks like a gear in the toolbar on the left of the screen. Click on “Goals” and then click on + New Goal. Now, just name your goal something that will give you a clear indication of what it is your tracking. They’ll be templates to choose from with some common things that are useful for tracking. You can also make your own custom goal if there is something specific that you can’t find. 

Once your goal is set up, you’ll see options for picking a goal ID and a goal set. This is just to keep your goal organized. You’ll also be able to assign a monetary value to certain goals, which is useful for tracking eCommerce from specific sources. Additionally, you can assign a sales funnel to each goal so you can even keep track of where users that complete a given goal are in the sales process. All you have to do now is press continue and save your goal. You can even switch goals on and off if you aren’t using them! 

Where to Go for Additional Help

business planning ROIIf you’re still not sure if you’ve set your goals up correctly or you want help making sure your website is up to industry standards, Q4Launch is here to help. Our digital marketing experts are waiting to point you in the right direction. Reach out today for our free Google Analytics analysis. It’s time to make sure your website and digital marketing strategies are setting your business up for success! Contact us today! 

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